What’s the Difference Between Bodily Injury and Personal Injury?

You've likely heard the phrases "bodily injury" and "personal injury." If you read your auto insurance policy, you'll probably see both terms written in various places. It's easy to think that the two phrases mean the same thing, but in the legal world, they are very different. ...

The Single Best Way To Help Your Personal Injury Case

If you get hurt in any type of motor vehicle accident in Texas and need to file a personal injury lawsuit, you'll want to strengthen your case any way you can. The best way to strengthen your case? Documentation. In this article, our Dallas personal injury lawyers will explain w...

Do I Have To Exchange Insurance Information After a Car Accident?

A hundred questions race through your mind in the hazy aftermath of an automobile wreck. A lot of those questions are about insurance and how you can get compensation for injuries and property damage. In Texas, the people involved in a wreck are legally required to exchange insu...

Can I File an Injury Lawsuit if I Don’t Have Insurance?

What happens if you get hurt in an auto accident that was someone else's fault, but you don't have insurance? Our Dallas-Fort Worth personal injury lawyers will address that question in this article. Do You Have the Right to File a Lawsuit if You Don't Have Active Insurance? Fo...

7 Factors That Affect Personal Injury Settlements

When you suffer an injury due to someone else's negligent actions, you'll likely be eligible to receive compensation. The amount you receive will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of your case. In this article, our Dallas-Fort Worth personal injury lawyers will touc...

Safe Driving Tips for Poor Weather in Texas

East Texas is known for heat and humidity, but our weather is highly variable and sometimes extreme in ways that go beyond heat. In this article, we'll highlight weather conditions that affect driving in East Texas that could cause an auto accident. We'll also offer tips on how t...

Holiday Season Driving Risks

As the holiday season approaches, millions of people will travel to visit friends and family. Before the 2023 season, AAA forecasted that over 100 million Americans would travel 50 miles or more, with more than 80 percent of travelers driving to their destinations. The National ...

Auto Wrecks Involving Government-Owned Vehicles in Texas

Dallas-Fort Worth roads are congested not only with privately owned vehicles but with government-owned vehicles as well. From city buses to police cars to Department of Transportation vehicles and beyond, government-owned vehicles are everywhere. And just like private vehicles, t...

Right-of-Way Laws All Texas Drivers Should Know

In 2023, 1,120 people were killed in crashes occurring in or around intersections, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. That's the most since 2018. It's critical that drivers understand the rules around intersections so they become safer. What Are Right-of-Way La...