What Happens If You’re Involved in an Accident With an Uninsured Motorist?

Car insurance is critical to protect yourself and your family from costly accidents while out on the road. Unfortunately, many motorists across the country and throughout Texas travel without proper insurance. What happens if you become a victim of a car crash involving an uninsu...

Johnson & Johnson Discontinues Talc-Based Baby Powder in US & Canada

Last year, several reports revealed evidence that Johnson & Johnson knew its famous baby powder was sometimes tainted with cancer-causing asbestos. Unfortunately, they hid the information for decades. This year, multiple lawsuits against the company have continued to move th...

Who’s at Fault for Your Injuries After a Commercial Truck Accident?

Texas continues to see a considerable amount of commercial truck accidents each year. Due to their size and weight, truck accidents tend to be more severe than any other type of motor vehicle accident. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you might be wondering how to re...

Car Accident Injury: Minor Aches & Pains or a Sign of Something Bigger?

It’s normal to have some general body aches and pains after a car accident. These aches may even linger for days or weeks afterward as your body adjusts. Yet, even if what you’re experiencing is normal soreness, it’s best to see your physician. Aches and pains may signal a ...

Understanding Car Accidents Due to Poor Road Conditions

Although most car accidents result in poor choices such as speeding or driving while intoxicated, some accidents result from poor road conditions. For example, large potholes, missing guard rails and other issues may cause accidents involving serious vehicle damage and injury. T...

5 Reasons Why Truck Accidents Cause Worse Injuries Than Car Accidents

Driving next to a towering big rig can make even the most seasoned driver nervous. These trucks’ sheer size is enough to make you want to throw on your brakes. It’s because of their size, among other factors, that truck accidents often cause worse injuries than run-of-the-mil...

Common Hidden Car Accident Injuries and How to Spot Them

After a car accident, you may feel sore and have noticeable injuries such as burns, scrapes and more. It’s common to feel fine after an accident, though. Don’t let your initial feelings keep you from seeking medical help, however. While you may not think your accident was sev...

Texas Car Accident Laws & Your Rights Explained

A car accident can leave your emotions scarred and your body damaged. Your injuries can greatly affect your life now and well into the future. As such it’s important to understand what the Texas car accident laws say about your rights as a victim.  Texas Is a “Fault” ...

The EPA Confirms the Dangers of Asbestos Exposure

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released its Draft Risk Evaluation for Asbestos. Although these are preliminary findings from a review of many potential asbestos exposures, they highlight the dangers of asbestos. EPA Finds Asbestos Poses an Unreasonable Thr...

Why Thorough Investigations Win Truck Accident Injury Cases

As hard as it may be to believe, the chaotic aftermath of a truck wreck is also the starting point of accident investigation. What happens in the minutes, hours, days and weeks to follow is crucial for an injured person, because the results of an accident investigation will have ...