5 Holiday Road Safety Tips From Personal Injury Attorneys

The holiday travel season is upon us, and according to forecasts it will be the busiest we've seen in a few years. AAA expects around 120 million people to travel at least 50 miles for Christmas and other year-end holidays between December 23 and January 2. That means travel is b...

How Opioid Use Can Cause Trucking Accidents

The ongoing opioid epidemic has ensnared people from all walks of life and every economic background. It's not surprising that opioid addiction plagues truckers, too. People may not realize it, but trucking can be a physically punishing job, and it takes a toll on truckers' bodie...

What Is the Statute of Limitations in Texas Auto Accident Cases?

The phrase "statute of limitations" is essentially a legal way of saying "time limit." In Texas, the normal statute of limitations for personal injury cases is two years. That means if you intend to sue the person who caused your injury, you must do so no more than two years from...

Halloween Safety Tips From Personal Injury Lawyers

Halloween is around the corner, and kids around the Dallas-Fort Worth area are looking forward to putting on their costumes and going trick-or-treating. Plenty of college students and adults will be going to Halloween parties, too. While the spooky holiday is a lot of fun, it’s...

How Does Modified Comparative Fault Affect Your Injury Case?

You’ve been involved in a motor vehicle crash in Texas, and you believe it was the other driver’s fault. But the other driver is claiming you were at least partially at fault. Both of you report the accident to your insurers, and different settlement offers come in. Rather th...

Is the Driver Behind Always Liable in a Rear-End Accident?

Rear-end collisions account for more than 25 percent of all auto accidents each year, making them one of the most common types of wrecks. While the trailing driver is often found at fault in rear-end accidents, that isn’t always the case. Does Texas Have a Law Stating Who Is ...

Can I Sue if My Airbag Injured Me?

Airbags are meant to protect people from injuries, and while they accomplish that goal more often than not, there are incidents where an airbag actually causes an injury. The airbag might deploy in a defective way or fail to deploy at all, leading to serious harm. If this happene...

Can I File a Claim for Hearing Loss Due to an Auto Accident?

While everyone knows car and truck accidents cause obvious injuries like broken bones and serious lacerations, other injuries aren't so obvious to anyone except the victim. Hearing loss is one of those injuries, and it can be severe and permanent. Those who lose their hearing aft...

Liability for Truck Wrecks in Construction Zones

More than 25,000 traffic accidents occurred in construction zones in Texas in 2022, resulting in 205 deaths and nearly 800 serious injuries, according to TxDOT. Several of those wrecks involved 18-wheelers and other large commercial trucks. If you ever get hurt in a crash with a ...