Rear-End Accidents: 3 Things You Should Know

Rear-end accidents happen when one vehicle runs into the back of another. There are many different situations where this happens, including at stop lights and stop signs, in Dallas’s stop-and-go rush hour traffic, and when exiting parking lots.  If you’ve been i...

What If You’re Partly At Fault for a Texas Car Accident?

At our Texas injury law firm, we often hear from people who have been involved in car accidents and who are very worried. They worry that their actions may have made them partly at fault for the collision. They blame themselves and are concerned that they may not be entitled to...

Slowing Down Texas Drivers

The Texas Department of Transportation is teaming with local law enforcement agencies on a program designed to slow down Texas drivers. “Operation Slowdown” is scheduled to run from June 7th to June 21st. The program is aimed at the number one factor when it comes to car an...

Picking a Car for Your Teen Driver

Experience matters when it comes to safe driving. Teens and other new drivers have long had the highest rates of car accidents, including fatal car accidents. No matter how responsible or reliable your teen driver is, there is simply no substitute for having seen and worked thr...

Where Car Accidents Happen

Where Car Accidents Happen It is very rare to find a car accident that does not involve mistakes by one or more drivers. A typical car crash involves negligent driving of some kind. Some places are more likely to see at-fault car accidents than others.  ...

The 4 Most Common Car Accident Injuries

The 4 Most Common Car Accident Injuries Every car accident affects the personal injury victim in a unique way. While the injuries you sustained may be common overall, it’s likely that they’re having a very personal effect on you—changing the ways you function in th...

Unsafe Vehicle Loophole Closed by Texas DMV

Unsafe Vehicle Loophole Closed by Texas DMV Temporary tags and 30-day permits have been misused to allow unsafe vehicles on Texas roadways. After taking steps to curtail fraudulent tags being issued by car dealers, the Texas DMV has now turned its attention to 30-day per...

Government Plan to Slow Down Semi Trucks

Government Plan to Slow Down Semi Trucks Federal officials might finally be moving forward with a plan years in the making. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recently filed a notice of intent to proceed with rulemaking that would require speed limiters to...

Can You Sue a Drunk Driver for Hitting You in Texas?

Can You Sue a Drunk Driver for Hitting You in Texas? Many people think of drunk driving as a criminal activity, and it is. A drunk driver can go to jail, especially if they cause a vehicle crash that injures someone or destroys property. However, in addition to...