3 Examples of Truck Company Negligence That Cause Accidents

Truck accidents have the potential to be the most damaging due to the sheer size of the trucks involved. Due to their ability to cause severe harm, trucking companies have a higher duty of care. When they fail to exercise this duty of care, truck accidents can happen. Such failur...

Nationwide Trucker Shortage Makes Roads More Dangerous

The trucking industry has struggled with a shortage of truck drivers for most of the 21st century. The American Trucking Association (ATA) first documented the problem in 2005, tracking it ever since. Their most recent report, the 2019 Truck Driver Shortage Analysis, shows the in...

Facts About Truck Accidents Caused By Unsecured Loads

Imagine yourself driving down a Texas freeway. You’re out in the open, away from most of the traffic. There’s an 18-wheeler up ahead, so you move over to pass it. A routine maneuver. But, suddenly, as you’re about to pass, you see the truck’s cargo come loose, slipping of...

Crash Fatalities Involving Large Trucks On the Rise

Newly released data from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) show an increase in fatal accidents involving large trucks across the U.S. Released in October 2019, the NHTSA’s 2018 Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes analysis shows that while overall roadwa...

What’s Involved in a Truck Accident Investigation?

As one of Texas’ leading law firms representing people injured in truck accidents, we have seen time and again the difference a prompt, thorough investigation makes to the success of an injured person’s legal claim. In the chaotic aftermath of a truck wreck, it is all too eas...

Should I Provide My Medical Records to an Insurance Company After a Truck Accident?

After suffering injuries in truck wrecks, it’s common to find oneself in contact with the truck driver’s or owner’s insurance company not long after the accident. Coping with injuries and pain, it’s rare to have the time or endurance to deal with an insurance agent’s pr...

Which Age Group Has the Most Fatal Auto Accidents?

A fatal auto accident occurs somewhere in America every 12 minutes. Conventional wisdom would tell you that the most dangerous drivers on the road are the youngest drivers and the oldest drivers, and they must be the cause of most of these crashes. But it turns out that reality...

Why Stopping Distance Plays a Big Role in Big Rig Rear-End Collisions

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), approximately 20 percent of all truck accidents involve rear-end collisions. The DOT estimates that about 23,000 people are injured, and 700 people are killed each year due to rear-end truck crashes. Specific...

Can Trucking Companies Be Held Liable in Personal Injury Lawsuits?

Hundreds of truck accidents occur on Texas roads every year, causing serious injuries and fatalities on a regular basis. As injured people and grieving families become overwhelmed by medical bills, funeral expenses, and other costs, they begin seeking to hold someone accountable ...

Recent Data Show Truck Accident Fatalities on the Rise Nationally

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released in January 2019 it’s updated Traffic Safety Facts on large truck crashes. Unfortunately, the data show that across the U.S., and in Texas, the number of people injured or killed in 18-wheeler wrecks is rising...