“Black Box” Data: What Is it and Why Is it Important in Truck Accident Lawsuits?

Airplanes have “black box” recorders, but did you know that trucks have similar technology? The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) requires all commercial trucks and buses to have electronic logging devices (ELDs) onboard. Most commercial trucks also have som...

Drivers Don’t Just Cause Truck Accidents–Truck Defects Can Be to Blame, Too

When many people think of truck accidents, they think of negligent truck drivers who fail to pay attention behind the wheel. But truck accident cases are often much more complex than that. The cause of the accident may actually be defective truck parts that prevented the truck dr...

Safety Week Underscores Importance of Truck Brake Maintenance

When we hit the road as part of our daily routines, we are all putting significant faith in the idea that we will arrive at our destinations safely. We can be the most experienced and defensive drivers, but one thing can go wrong and tragically impact our lives. Truck accidents s...

Poor Truck Maintenance Can Kill Innocent Drivers

Eighteen-wheelers are dangerous enough, let alone when an inexperienced driver gets behind the wheel. But if the driver or trucking-company fails to keep the rig in safe operating condition, the consequences can be even more disastrous. Federal, state, and industry rules and guid...

Do Commercial Drivers Face Stricter Substance Use Restrictions?

In the eyes of the law, we are all the same. Well, this is a very American ideology, but it isn't technically the truth in all cases. For example, not all drivers have to go through drug and alcohol testing to get behind the wheel. Commercial drivers do have to go through testing...

Could Trucking Hour Regulations Cause Road Dangers?

We have talked about trucking regulations on our website before, particularly how they are important to the safety of all roadway users. Safety efforts are supposed to increase safety. Some members of the trucking industry, however, warn that trucking hour limits are creating dri...

Computer Devices Serve As Step Toward Safer Trucking

In 2016, the Texas Department of Transportation released a sobering statistic. The state had not gone a single day in 15 years without a fatality on one of its roads and highways. While there are a variety of factors that contribute to the statistic, driving while fatigued is a s...

Preventing Texas Truck Accidents Addresses All Commuters’ Safety

While fender benders that slow down your daily commute can be annoying, truck accidents can pose a much more serious threat to everyone on the road. This past May, an 18-wheeler traveling on Interstate 20 collided with an overhead sign, causing the truck to flip and catch fire. ...

Summer Is Not a Vacation From Truck Accident Risks

Although winter driving is treacherous in many parts of the country, summer heat can be just as dangerous. More extreme weather is happening everywhere and during every season, and it seems no state is immune from extreme cold or heat. With summer approaching, frost and rain won'...

Fewer Truck Drivers Can Mean More Accidents on Roadways

There is a trucking dilemma in the United States that impacts not just consumers and the trucking industry, but also translates into road safety problems. Maybe you aren't even aware of the decade-long shortage of truck drivers. This shortage and the demand it puts on drivers in ...