A minor collision between two vehicles in Texas can result in serious injuries or death for the driver or passenger who suffers a blow to the head. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle accidents pose the greatest risk of traumatic brain injury in teenagers and adults up to 44 years of age.
Traumatic brain injury accounts for 30 percent of all deaths due to injury in this country. Survivors of a TBI may face an extended recovery period with rehabilitation and long-term care. Long-term effects of TBI may include personality changes, impaired memory, depression, hearing and vision impairment, and diminished cognitive skills.
Falls represent the leading cause of brain injury for children and the elderly in the United States. The second leading cause of TBI in children is a head injury caused by being struck by a blunt object, but motor vehicle accidents were the leading cause of deaths from brain trauma for victims in the 5 to 24 age range.
A head injury may not result in traumatic brain injury, but it could result in a concussion which is a mild TBI. Severe TBIs may cause a person to lose consciousness, or the victim might suffer from amnesia. Either of these conditions can be short-term, as in cases of mild TBI, or they can last for long periods and require long-term care.
Individuals who suffer a brain trauma in an accident caused by the negligence of another person may be entitled to accident compensation depending upon the facts of the case and the extent of the injury.
Discussing the facts of the accident and the head injury with a personal injury attorney could provide accident victims with information about their rights against the negligent party.