Portland, Oregon, USA - Sep 13, 2019: An Amazon worker is seen unloading an Amazon Prime branded van on the roadside in downtown Portland.
Delivery truck drivers are working under tight deadlines due to COVID-19, whether they’re under pressure to deliver products to someone’s doorstep or bulk items to stores. The evolution of commerce and on-demand delivery has put incredible strain on the trucking industry and delivery truck drivers, increasing the number of delivery truck accidents.
In response to the demand for shipping services, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration changed some of the rules that govern trucking driving. Now, the rules allow drivers to drive for many more hours without taking a break if they are hauling medical supplies, food, building supplies for emergency operations and other critical items.
The rule changes are intended to help communities maintain access to critical supplies during coronavirus, but the other side of the equation is that many drivers are out on the roads when they are tired or stressed, and that makes roads more dangerous.
Delivery drivers can’t do their jobs from the safety of their home offices. They must be out on the roads in the middle of the pandemic, working to keep commerce moving forward. Delivery drivers, as a result, are feeling the pressure. They’re stressed and fatigued, which are two of the leading factors in many truck wrecks.
Aside from the pressure of delivering on time, drivers are concerned about exposure to the virus at service stations and when delivering to large facilities with dozens of people. The long shifts also keep drivers away from their families, leading drivers’ minds to wander as they wish they could be at home more. Unfortunately, a driver who isn’t focused on the road is dangerous.
There are several other reasons why delivery truck accidents have been higher than usual throughout the pandemic:
If you were injured by an 18-wheeler or delivery truck of any kind, you may be entitled to compensation. The Dallas truck accident lawyers of Ted B. Lyon & Associates can quickly analyze the situation and explain your legal options. Call 877-Ted-Lyon / 877-833-5966 or send us a message to get a free consultation with one of our attorneys.