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    Elmiron Class-Action Lawyers

    If you or a loved one took the prescription drug Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) for at least two years and after using the drug began to suffer serious vision problems, you may be eligible to join an Elmiron class-action lawsuit.

    A federal class-action lawsuit was filed in October 2020 alleging Janssen Pharmaceuticals failed to warn doctors and patients that the drug could cause pigmentary maculopathy. Janssen added a warning in June of 2020, but thousands of users of the drug may already have had toxic levels of exposure.

    Contact the Elmiron class-action lawyers at Ted B. Lyon & Associates if you used Elmiron and have been diagnosed with:

    • Maculopathy,
    • Metamorphopsia,
    • Macular retinopathy,
    • Halo vision,
    • Age-related macular degeneration,
    • Scotoma,
    • Retinal dystrophy,
    • Retinal pigment epithelium atrophy,
    • Pattern dystrophy,
    • Other serious visual impairment.

    Some 130 cases from across the United States have already been consolidated into a class-action lawsuit. If you believe you suffered eye damage as a result of using Elmiron, talk with one of our trial attorneys to see if you meet the criteria for joining the lawsuit. Call 800-TedLyon. We represent clients throughout the United States.

    Elmiron Drug Toxicity Can Cause Permanent Eye Damage

    Elmiron (generic name: pentosan polysulfate sodium) is a drug used to treat interstitial cystitis (IC), a chronic, often painful and debilitating bladder condition that affects as many as 12 million Americans.

    Elmiron is the only medication approved by the FDA to treat this condition and its users typically take it several times a day to prevent irritation and swelling of the walls of the bladder. For most users of the drug it was a godsend, but between 1997 and 2020 hundreds of people filed reports with the FDA claiming the drug had caused serious vision problems. More than 100 people filed lawsuits.

    And yet Janssen Pharmaceuticals did not change its warning label in the U.S. until 2020. (It changed the warning label in Canada in 2019).

    The new warning label states that Elmiron can cause pigmentary changes in the retina accompanied by visual symptoms and cautions patients to have ophthalmologic examination prior to starting Elmiron and periodically while they are receiving treatment.

    Do You Qualify for the Elmiron Lawsuit?

    You may qualify to become part of the Elmiron class-action lawsuit if:

    1. You have used Elmiron for more than two years, and
    2. You are experiencing symptoms of eye disease, such as:
      • Loss of night vision
      • Difficulty adjusting to low light conditions
      • Trouble focusing your eyes or blurred vision
      • Difficulty reading
      • Blind spots in the center of your field of vision (paracentral scotoma)
      • Straight objects appearing curved (metamorphopsia)
      • Loss of vision
      • You were diagnosed with maculopathy or pigmentary maculopathy
    3. Your vision problems began while using or within a year of using Elmiron

    If you are experiencing vision problems but have not yet seen a doctor for a diagnosis, make an appointment to get examined by an ophthalmologist – a medical doctor who specializes in eyes - not an optometrist. The eye doctor will look for signs of abnormal blood vessels around the macula or dark spots near the retina.

    Tell the doctor that you have used Elmiron and are concerned about maculopathy so they will do a thorough exam.

    When you call and speak with one of our class-action attorneys, tell them your diagnosis, the treatment options your doctor has prescribed, and your doctor's prediction of future improvement. Tell us about how your daily life and work has been affected, and how it has impacted you and your family members.

    All of this information will help us determine if you qualify to be part of the Elmiron lawsuit and your case for financial recovery.

    Financial Compensation You May Receive in an Elmiron Lawsuit

    This is a product liability lawsuit. If the court finds that Janssen Pharmaceuticals was negligent in failing to warn patients and doctors of the potential for serious eye damage from the use of its product, you can be compensated for:

    • Medical expenses
    • Rehabilitation expenses
    • Equipment and alterations required for you to live with impaired vision
    • Lost wages if you cannot go back to your current job
    • Pain and suffering, and
    • Loss of enjoyment of life

    Trial Lawyers Representing Victims of Defective Drugs

    Our law firm has trial attorneys experienced in handling product liability and dangerous drug cases. We can evaluate your case and explain the legal process. We will work with you throughout your case. We do not refer cases to an outside firm. To learn more, call the Law Firm of Ted B. Lyon & Associates at 800-TedLyon or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

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