Deaths result from Texas automobile accidents

If someone is killed in a Texas car accident, his or her family members are flooded with emotions ranging from disbelief to grief. They can also be angry if the cause of the accident remains a mystery and seems to be senseless. In such automobile accidents, the family of the individual who was killed can rightfully pursue monetary damages in an effort to ease pain and suffering; this can be done even if the person who caused the crash died in the accident.

One family is potentially in this situation after a 36-year-old man was killed in a two-vehicle crash. The accident happened on U.S. Highway 87. It occurred when a freshman college student was driving north in his car.

Unfortunately, the college student crossed the center line of the road. As a result, he collided with the 36-year-old man’s car head-on. Both men died at the scene of the accident.

If the college student is found responsible, the family members of the other man who died may choose to file a wrongful death suit seeking monetary damages that can be used to cover expenses associated with the accident. These expenses may include end-of-life expenses, medical costs and funeral costs, for instance. Even if a driver who causes an accident dies, the family of a deceased victim can still sue the driver’s estate in addition to any separate owners of the vehicle that was crashed. If liability is established to the satisfaction of the civil court in suits involving automobile accidents in Texas, claims for financial damages could be decided.

Source:, Texas Tech student dies in car accident, Carson Wilson, Oct. 8, 2013